Owner of the domain

Ernst Eimer
Heb­bel­stra­ße 56
14467 Pots­dam

Pho­ne +49 331 28 12 93 81

Plea­se call with the num­ber dis­play­ed, then I can also call you back if I am pre­ven­ted at the moment.


Texts, pho­to­graphs and sty­li­sed corn­flower © 2021 Ernst Eimer. Repro­duc­tion not per­mit­ted.
Histo­ri­cal images (2, 3) and pain­tings (1, 5, 6) public domain.

Liability for hyperlinks

The num­e­rous links on this page allow you to get direct infor­ma­ti­on on the listed muse­ums, restau­rants, cine­mas, etc. and their ran­ges, menus and pro­gram­mes. Respon­si­bi­li­ty for the con­tent of the lin­ked sites rests exclu­si­ve­ly with their ope­ra­tors. I express­ly distance mys­elf from the con­tent of the lin­ked sites.

Objection to the use of my data

I her­eby express­ly object to the use of the data sti­pu­la­ted in this dis­clai­mer for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses and reser­ve the right to take legal recour­se against the sen­ders of adver­ti­sing, whe­ther elec­tro­ni­cal­ly or by post, and against unso­li­ci­ted calls.

Text © 2021 Ernst Eimer. Repro­duc­tion not permitted.

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